Odin's Got AI Ethics for you, Thoughts on Autotune, and a Job Update!
A new editorial on incorporating AI into scholarly settings, an article on auto-tuning of music, and some updates on the job-search front!

Hello world!
This week's been a busy one for me IRL, with not a lot of time for writing fresh articles (though I did get one finished). I also have a major editorial to share, "AI in Academia: Policy Development, Ethics, and Curriculum Design" which comes at a pretty timely point in the zeitgeist.
I also now have two new jobs, which technically equal a grand total of four jobs I am currently employed in, while also in a Master's program. Because I am a masochist, I guess? Truthfully, having some movement on the job prospect area is lovely, and I'm really excited by the potential these new positions provide.
But, before I get into all that, here are this week's articles:
AI in Academia: Policy Development, Ethics, and Curriculum Design
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a game-changer in our world, especially in education. In this paper, I dive into how AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), is transforming various aspects of academia.
As AI continues to reshape library and information science (LIS) education, it's crucial to develop new skills like data privacy and ethical AI use.
My paper also touches on the ethical and societal implications of AI, such as potential inequalities and biases. The scholarly publishing community's response, like the policies of the iSchool's Student Research Journal, highlights the need for flexible frameworks to maintain research integrity in the age of AI.
Ultimately, what I end up calling for are immediate changes in curriculum design and ongoing policy reviews to ensure AI is integrated responsibly. Particularly, I stress the importance of making sure everyone has fair access to AI technology while ensuring that its use and development is undertaken ethically.
My other article this week is also tied to technology, though this time in relationship to art.
Tuning Out Perfection: Embracing the Flaws that Make Music Human. Pitch correction in music strips away the soul of singing. Authentic voices, like Garland's, reveal the beauty in imperfections.