All Your Calendars, One App

Why Morgen's integration capabilities could change how you manage your time

All Your Calendars, One App

Why Morgen’s integration capabilities could change how you manage your time

This past week has been one of those where everything seemed to hit at once—projects piling up, work deadlines looming, coursework demanding attention, and, of course, the usual life stuff that never stops. I’ve been juggling two jobs, working on my Master’s degree, taking on a mentorship role (basically, it's being a TA), and trying to keep my personal life flowing smoothly. It's fair to say that this is a lot for anyone to manage, even me (cue button-polishing).

But the truth is, this week I hit a point where things were slipping through the cracks. Important deadlines were missed, appointments forgotten, and I felt like I was constantly playing catch-up. The biggest problem? My calendars weren’t synced or integrated. I had work meetings on one calendar, school assignments on another, and personal plans on yet another. It was a recipe for disaster.

That’s when I turned to Morgen.

Morgen is a calendar app that has been a total game-changer for me. It brings all my calendars—work, school, and personal—into one place. Suddenly, I could see everything I needed to do, all in one clean, organized view. No more missed deadlines or forgotten meetings because something was hidden away in some stupid walled garden apart from the rest of my software.

What really tipped the scales was that Morgen didn’t just stop at syncing my calendars. It also integrates with Todoist, which I’ve been using to manage my tasks. Now, I can see my to-do lists right alongside my calendar events. This has been a huge help in keeping track of everything, especially when I’m feeling pulled in a million different directions.

Looking ahead, I’m really excited about the potential integration of Morgen with Obsidian, the note-taking app that my regular readers will know I absolutely adore. Morgen appears to be working on an integration that allows you to track all your tasks right from within Obsidian... if this happens, I might even ditch Todoist! The idea of having my notes, tasks, and calendar all working together seamlessly is something I’m really looking forward to exploring.

This week may have been rough, but with Morgen, I’m feeling more prepared to handle whatever comes next. If you’re dealing with the chaos of too many calendars and to-do lists, I can’t recommend Morgen enough. It’s helped me regain control, and I think it could do the same for you.

So, as we head into the next week, let’s try to take it one step at a time, with a little more organization and a lot less stress. And remember—you’ve got this.

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