Forests and Fields

Robin Redbreast dove at Grausaw, the great general of the cat colonials.

Forests and Fields
By Daderot — Own work, Public Domain

Robin Redbreast dove at Grausaw, the great general of the cat colonials.

The woods were a-roar with the sound of battle as the mice, backed by their rat auxiliary, charged the feline front lines. As Robin dove, she heard the twang of bowstrings, and the cries of the wounded sprawled among the bright red autumn leaves.

At the last moment, he looked up. Robin caught the sharp glint of claws…

But Grausaw’s blow came too late!

Robin struck him with her beak, and he fell to his doom with one piercing cry.

She landed beside the enormous cat, and placed one foot upon his body. Then she raised her wings and uttered her cry of victory to the sky.

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