Published Online
- In: BirdHouse Magazine: Two pieces of flash fiction
- In: Great Void Books: Grandmother’s Wolf
- In: Bewildering Stories: “Wolfman Blues”
- In: The Strand: (Book Review) Worlds of Exile and Illusion By Ursula K. Le Guin
- In: Analog Science Fiction and Fact: Guest Reference Library (Q1 2022)
- In: Collective Realms, Issue 5: “Manufacturing God” (also in print!)
- In: Book XI: a journal of literary philosophy: “What Made the Sand”
- In: Duende Literary Magazine: “The Rose Within: A Personal Reflection on ‘The Little Prince’”
- In: Stonecoast Review: “All Our Lonely Chains” (following interview)
Published in Print
In 2023, I decided to pull my self-published books from Amazon because Amazon’s practices are truly grotesque, and are responsible for some of the worst damage in the Internet age… especially to creatives. Don’t panic though! I intend to release a combined poetry omnibus, with all-new unpublished work included, sometime in 2024! Below, you can see the covers for the various pieces I've had in print!